Kameto called on the services of Nisqy for the modest sum of 1560 LPs
This Tuesday, Yasin "Nisqy" Dinçer has been put up for auction in order to be accepted into the SoloQ Challenge Battle. The initials 48 participants were pushed to 49, but to make it fair, the four captains had to bid some LPs that the midlaner should exceed to be profitable for one of them. As Kamel "Kameto" Kebir and Dylan "Tiky" Sorrentino were the last to bid on their friend, the Karmine Corp CEO finally got the player in exchange of 1560 LPs, that Nisqy will have to exceed to make it a good decision for Kameto's team.
If the founder of KC did not seem to be happy with the trade, considering Tiky would go higher as he wanted to rip him off maximum LPs, Nisqy is for a fact calling his addition to a team "a free win" as he is sure, that team Kameto will be the winners of the SoloQ Challenge Battle now.
As a reminder, the SoloQ Challenge is an event organize by French streamer Jean "Trayton" Medzadourian, with a simple concept: be the best player in the challenge by accumulating the maximum number of points (LPs) for your team among the participating streamers and professional players. The challenge will start this Wednesday, and each participant will have the freedom to stream their perspective live. Results will be tracked in real time via the dedicated website.
Header Photo Credit: Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games
- Ethan Cohen -
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