"Going to Worlds is crucial. I want to prove I'm among the top midlaners in Europe and possibly the world."
Now at the top of the LEC 2024 Summer Season, SK Gaming is set to leave a mark on the European League of Legends competition. In this exclusive interview, Yasin "Nisqy" Dinçer delves into beating his former team, the state of SK Gaming, and his goals for the future.
How do you feel after such a dominant performance against your former team, MAD Lions KOI?
Yasin "Nisqy" Dinçer: "It always feels good to beat the team that replaced you. I think that applies to every player who faces their former team, right? Yeah, it's always satisfying to defeat them, especially when it will probably prevent them from reaching playoffs. This win was crucial for us because we aim to be at the top of the ladder. So yeah, very happy.
How do you feel about proving that you are capable of taking down B-tier players like Fresskowy despite being a D-tier midlaner?
Nisqy: Yeah, I think I had to deliver a great performance today, considering I'm labeled as a D-tier midlaner. But in the end, it's all in good spirits. I'm still very happy that I've been consistent throughout this whole split. I hope I can maintain this form in playoffs because that's what really matters. The regular season is nice, but ultimately, it's about performing in the playoffs.
Has criticism from Spanish fans ever affected your mindset?
Nisqy: Not really, because when I get flak from Spanish fans, it actually motivates me. Plus, I have strong support from the French community that balances it out. It's amusing how perceptions differ—Spanish fans might think I'm bad, while French fans think highly of me. It's similar to Elyoya's own situation. Before, when I was with MAD Lions with him, Spanish fans still disliked me. Now that I'm on the other side, with SK, I feel satisfied. We've been performing well, and it's satisfying to silence the critics quickly.
After your loss to Fnatic, you mentioned feeling you weren't playing your best compared to before. How do you feel about your current level of play?
Nisqy: I feel like I'm in a very good place because I'm consistent in what I do. I don't pick random champions like Ezreal mid just for fun. I pick what my team needs from me, and I can adapt to any style. As I said, playoffs are what really matter. I'll maintain this form for sure. That said, I actually don't play much solo queue right now, I'm mostly playing other games...
Like Chained Together, right?
Nisqy: Yeah, games like Chained Together help me relax. It's a good balance for me. Sometimes I take breaks from League, but then I'll dive back into it. It's a healthy disconnect. Maybe some think I should grind solo queue endlessly, but that's not my mentality. Ultimately, as long as my team is okay with it, I don't worry too much about others' opinions.

SK Gaming's results this split have been surprising, especially since you are now tied for first place. Did you expect these results before the split, or are you surprised yourselves by how well you're performing?
Nisqy: I wouldn't say I'm surprised. I knew we would be good, but I didn't expect us to perform this well. I didn't necessarily expect to beat G2, but they were struggling while we were in good form. The Fnatic game was very close. Apart from Fnatic and G2, no other team really worried me. I was concerned about our synergy on stage compared to scrims, but it seems we play better on stage, so that's not a concern anymore.
You've won the LEC and LCS, you've been to Worlds and MSI, and you've been playing professionally since 2017. What are your current goals with SK Gaming and your future aspirations as a player?
Nisqy: For me, going to Worlds is crucial because I want to prove I'm among the top midlaners in Europe and possibly the world. I felt I performed decently last Worlds, but I want another chance to show I can win it. Many players say this, but I've studied a lot of VODs, incorporated new strategies, and focused on consistency—traits I believe define great midlaners. While I'm content with my performance in Europe, my next goal is Worlds.
So, I'm not entirely satisfied with where we're at now; it's part of the process towards achieving that goal. I'm pleased that my teammates like Irrelevant, ISMA, and our bot laners are stepping up. Everyone is doing their job well in-game and maintaining a positive team atmosphere. We're playing a lot of solo queue, staying motivated, and avoiding complacency. It's easy to get cocky after wins, but we're putting ego aside and proving ourselves as a top team in Europe aiming for a spot at Worlds.

ISMA mentioned he wasn't satisfied with his performance last week. Being one of the youngest players in terms of competitive experience on your team, how has it been working with him this split to build his confidence?
Nisqy: Yeah, Isma performs best when he's confident with his champion pool. For example, while others might opt for weird AP picks, he's comfortable saying, "Give me Sejuani or Maokai," regardless of counters. I really like his mentality towards that because I feel like a lot of other junglers will pick those champions like Taliyah, Brand, Lillia, and others, and then sometimes completely run down their teams.
He knows exactly what he has to do and I appreciate how well he knows his role. It's a collective effort to make things work, and everyone understands their game-winning responsibilities. No one is greedy or forcing odd picks in drafts; we stick to what we know and make it effective.
Aurora was just revealed recently. Have you been following her release? What are your thoughts on her kit?
Nisqy: I saw that she has a kind of Camille ult where she can teleport twice within it and stuff. It does look pretty broken from the outside. Unfortunately, it won't be enabled for playoffs, but maybe for season finals. It's always exciting when new champs come in. It's about finding the best build, options, and counters. So, it's fun when there are new champs because it gives me another goal, like figuring out this champ, what counters it, and how to use it in a team. Does it work in solo queue or competitive too? It'll be interesting to see what this champ does.
Who do you think is currently the best team in the LEC?
Nisqy: I think G2 and Fnatic are still the strongest teams in my opinion. G2 is currently finding its way back to the top. Fnatic consistently plays a solid game; they are mechanically skilled and perform well in lane. So, I'd say G2 and Fnatic remain the top teams. BDS is right behind them; they play a methodical game and their drafts have generally been strong, except for picks like Varus and Mordekaiser. I feel like, with good drafts, BDS is definitely a team that needs to be respected as well.

There's a new upcoming French rookie who has been smurfing in the Nexus Tour and recently played in the NNO Cup. I think you might know him; his name is Tiky. What do you think of him? Do you think he could be LFL-ready soon?
Nisqy: I think if he improves his mindset and expands his champion pool beyond just playing one champion, maybe he can be the next big thing. I don't know, maybe the next Zwyroo or something. But right now, I don't think he's ready to compete at any level. He's not even Challenger, so yeah... I think he should focus on other games instead of League.
Do you have anything you want to say to your fans before we close off?
Nisqy: Yeah, I want to thank you all for your support as always. It really boosts me up having such a big following. It feels great to win against the Spanish. So yeah, I'm happy with today's win and hope we can keep it going. Next week, we face two French teams, so hopefully, I'll beat them too. It'll be very exciting games."
Header Photo Credit: Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games
- Armand Luque -
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