Ambessa, Nocturne, Vex, Corki, Poppy... find below all the best champions in League of Legends for each role
League of Legends is an entertaining yet very complex MOBA game which in its course of play needs proper prioritization, strategy building, and a lot of teamwork. However, perhaps one of the most critical aspects in the game is the best League of Legends tier list selection. Champions have ever been one of the core parts of any game, and the number of them in the game now is 169 after the patch 14.23.
With such a wide selection available, players are naturally spoilt for choosing which champion to go for, that is the reason why we have compiled the best of the best League of Legends champions that can fit in every role and will aid you the most during the match.
Top Lane: Having high damage output and being hard to kill

When deciding on a champion for the top lane, the first few things tackled is the champions’ durability and the pressure that they have the potential to impose. If you are looking for dominating champions include Ambessa and Darius.
- Ambessa has got the required durability and damage output that is needed. Her skill set enables her to handle aggressive champions and even be a threat during team fights. She can also be an effective option for solo queue with a win rate of 51.04%.
- Darius and his early-game reign are not news to many of us, as he continues to be a ‘damage sponge’ with his brutal melee attacks that easily dispose of opponents. He seems to be the preferred champion for the more ‘swing’ aggressive types of players.
The case is not too different with such champions, they are also able to provide split push effectively giving them all the pressure on the map and forcing an opponent to react to them.
Jungle: Movement and early game involvement

Jungle is available for all the roams around the map when supporting the team. In this position, quick farmers who gank or clear camps as other farmers are usually preferred. High burst heroes with a single targeted damaging spell or ‘wasting time’ spell may greatly influence the course of the match that was previously dominated by the use of teleport and snipe one hero at a time.
- By virtue of having the ability to provide lane assistance in attacking, Elise is one of the most preferred jungler there is. She is capable of turning herself into a spider which gives her an advanced ability to gank enemies which is quite useful for her laning partners.
- Nocturne while using his ultimate ability, ‘Paranoia’, basically can tactically change the game if required by blinding the enemies and executing surprise attacks. His control together with the damage output enables him to be a good part of offensive squads.
These champions are likely to be positioned in the sub and premade teams that can take effective fights and secure early game objectives and pressure weak lanes easily.
Mid Lane: utility and burst

The champions that do well in the mid lane are very versatile and provide excellent utility in fights. Selecting a champion adept in this position can also do wonders as this is the most position that requires self-reliant to a certain degree. Direction should be given to more flexible heroes who if not all can pretty much dominate the game with their presence.
- Vex becomes a favorite amongst many indeed due to her capacity to zone out opponents and inflicit huge amount of magic damage. This makes it thrice fold easier for vex to deal with mobile enemies have been vexing previous patch’s popular mid-laners as well.
- Akshan’s ability allow him to use all his travel partners during their fights which appeals to those who prefer champions that have a traveling style or mobility. He also makes a great pick at every stage of the game due to his broad skillset.
Being placed in a precise spot by the game’s system has some critical significance because he is able to escape with his life or his teammate Mighty and carry out the mechanisms of various lanes simultaneously which is very helpful for looking out for one or more during the major battles of the team.
Bot Lane (ADC): Always the same, last stages heavy hitter

For this role, ADCs are a great choice, as they excel on the map due to their high-damage-dealing skills and their ranged attack capacity, which also gives them time to reposition, escape or even scout.
- Even with high survivability champions and especially tanks, Kog'Maw is still one of the top-tier choices for late. This is largely due to his DPS increasing with distance.
- Corki is unique in the fact that he has both magic and physical damage which allows him to be versatile in any game.
However, these are not the champions who will take charge on the front lines. Indeed, they require proper backup and positioning.
Assist: Allegiance and security of other players

Supports are arguably the most vital in during a fight. While the team is well protected, chances of even destroying the enemy stronghold or securing victory in ‘team fights’ become rather easier otherwise it is indeed quite overwhelming.
Supports are some of the least important roles during a match, as they provide protection to the team and without them it would be really hard if not impossible to take down the enemy’s base or win team fights.
- Poppy offers great control and blocking of enemy attacks. Her skills are ideal for protecting those of the team that are most exposed to the threats as well as improving the conditions of engagement for the almost every fight.
- Tahm Kench is still a good pick for the teams demanding protection. His skill of ‘ swallowing ‘ his own teammates enables him to keep his teammates during crucial moments of battle enabling him to be very good against teams that tend to initiate fights early.
In most of the case, Support players are in a way the center piece of the team and the only reason as to how the team is able to manage and pull through easier and tougher games as well.
Advanced strategies and play tips
League of Legends certainly comes with it's own learning curve, There are a few most essential elements that should integration so as to improve at League of Legends. While it is indeed necessary to select a champion, it is not the only factor that can alter the outcome of a game. It is also key to concentrate more on these aspects too in LoL.
- Team Synergy: Incorporate heroes that enhance each one’s skills. For instance, a physical damage focused ADC and mid will help the team make up. It’s no longer simply a metagame of choosing the ideal character, but instead, it relates to the overall strategy your other team members are formulating. Even one strong character will not be able to win elderly alone, because for one to be good you need teamwork, which is why it is advised to work with your team.
- Adjusting To Opponents: Knowing the champions that the enemy prefer, it is wise to pick their counters. For example, you can use Poppy against champions who rely on mobility since she stops them from being able to do so. It’s pretty tough in soloq to predict what random enemy will do so it would be advisable to consider the most frequent picks that players have and who is able to beat them.
- Communication and Coordination: While out on the field, don’t forget that it’s important to rely on the team for action and calls. Type in the in-game chat and also talk to voice chat such as Discord or Team Speak. It would be the case that you would be playing against organized teams so you would require an organized team as well. Some things like calling an objective or strategy need to be done so that all players play as one instead of several individuals who want to win the game.
- Map Control: Always be aware of where the wards are placed and also the major objectives that may spawn. Junglers such as Elise are able to pressure opponents with the help of map presence. Let’s not forget that enemies may also play ambush techniques such as ganks so putting in wards can come at a cost but it definitely allows you see more and influence the direction of the match in a positive way.
- Positioning: Whether it is a melee, ADC, or a mid, one has to be on right note when skirmishing. Use teleport-type abilities to get out of such situations. Of course, I do not mean to limit your movement, although you have to be conscious of traps which may be widespread, but this can also work to your favour as long as fights are skirmishes due to assistance from your team mates.
Selecting, mastering, and learning proper strategies for each champion, as a rule, will increase the chance to earn more victories, and perhaps make the gameplay more sophisticated. The only thing worth mentioning that the best winner does not always make the best experience, it’s just bad to get caught up with the meta and play champions you do not enjoy.
Header Photo Credit: Riot Games.
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